Aurum Ventures – not just a great place to work!
For the past two decades it has churned out several value creations pieces across several industries. This has been only possible…

Aurum Ventures - not just a great place to work?
For the past two decades it has churned out several value creations pieces across several industries. This has been only possible because of the value Aurum Ventures because of the strong work values and ethos on which it is built. Aurum is not just a great place but ‘an inspiring place to work’ and here’s what it makes it so!

Empowerment of frontline empowerment and enabling last mile decision making.

Transparency with the team with respective communication of vision and direction,goals and objectives stratey and plan.

Speed of decision-making and agility of business operation is a hallmark of the organisation.

Hard work
Hard work is the DNA of the entire organisation from youngest to the oldest individual.

Focus on clear and set objectives enables the organization to move towards with goals with clear focus.

Passion of values creation is trickle down to the entire team and makes them work with zeal on projects and initiatives.

Care for each other as a close knit ‘Aurum Family’ is the hallmark and identity of the organisation.

Community sense a sense of winning together and sticking together in the hard times.

Fairness at the workplace for everyone’s work, which is assessed with equity, impartiality, and justly.

Pride of what they are working on drives employees to work with vigor and passion.

Respect by management and colleagues bring in high levels of support and collaboration.

Camaraderie between employees to the extent to which the environment is friendly and welcoming gives them a sense of community.